How to Launch the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Game
You may have glanced at Warhammer Age of Sigmar if you enjoy the excitement of howling war creatures smashing heads and the sound of swords clashing. Warhammer Fantasy Battles, the fantasy wargame developed by Games Workshop, has a new setting but has many of the same elements that made the original game so popular. At the same time, GW has simplified the rules to make the game easier to play.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: What Is It?
The tabletop wargame Warhammer Age of Sigmar is set in a magical, pseudo-medieval world. Humans, Orruks (orcs), Aelves (elves), Dwarves (Duardin), and other fantasy people live there. Each participant takes turns completing a set of actions throughout gameplay. These could include moving units, using spells, or engaging in close quarters combat. For short games, the typical fight setup takes fifteen minutes, and the average gameplay lasts roughly sixty minutes. There are several other game modes and mission objectives available, but the main goal is to defeat the other player in tabletop combat. Gamers command an army that exists in the Age of Sigmar reality. To ensure fair gameplay, plastic figurines are assembled based on army lists and rules, or battletomes. Before playing, the models are typically painted, and this is just as much a part of the wargaming hobby as the game itself.
Although the game contains a lot of typical fantasy elements, it may be said that its technological sophistication and historical setting are more modern than those of previous fantasy-focused games. It’s no accident that this game is essentially the spiritual continuation of another Games Workshop wargame. The previously mentioned Warhammer Fantasy Battles evolved into the “End Times” before Age of Sigmar was released. This included a range of campaigns that examined the events leading up to the Warhammer world’s demise and the formation of the eight Mortal Realms, and consequently, the beginning of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe.
What You Must Perform
Visiting your neighborhood game store ought to be your first course of action. The assortment of Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures and the staff’s expertise are both present. Additionally, there need to be a few gaming tables where you can try out a few games. This should help you get a sense of the game and even win you an army or two. It will be time to make your first purchases after you are certain that AOS is right for you.
Purchasing the Soul Wars box set is an excellent place to start. This includes army lists, the whole retail rulebook, and enough miniatures to assemble two armies. Of course, you can buy the fundamental rules separately; you may choose between a hardback and a digital version there. A Battletome is also required; you only need one for the army you have selected. You can find background data and specifics on the many types of units inside. It will also describe any unique guidelines or skills that apply to your army.
It’s time to assemble your army now. The “Start Collecting” boxes include with all the necessary miniatures to get you started and are the greatest alternative to boxed games. The majority of seasoned gamers advise beginning modest and gradually expanding your army and collection in manageable chunks. The “Start Collecting” boxes and the boxed game both come with a discount off the suggested retail pricing.
Not to be overlooked are two abridged versions of the game. These come with a thinner rulebook and fewer figurines. They also come with a fold-out play area made of paper, and the container doubles as improvised terrain. If you’re not sure about the game or have concerns about the expense, they are both excellent places to start. In the event that you get the entire box set, you can also utilize these miniatures in your army. If you’re interested in learning more about Storm Strike or Tempest of Souls, check them out. A condensed copy of the rulebook is also available for free download here. Nothing prevents you from practicing with homemade paper tokens until you gain a sense of the game.
The Interest
Assembling and painting your army is a significant aspect of the pastime. You can get all the tools and brushes you need to become an expert painter from your neighborhood games store, along with paints made especially for plastic miniatures. GW’s Citadel paint line is a good option for novice players. These are the ideal complement because Games Workshop only uses its paint range in their painting instructions for Age of Sigmar miniatures. Even if there are alternative brands available, it can be challenging to locate a paint match. Additionally, some methods that could be challenging to duplicate otherwise have been developed that make use of one or more Citadel products.
Finally, a word on safety. Younger players should always be under the supervision of an adult and use caution when using sharp blades. They can strengthen their bond with their children by doing this as well.
Now is the time to begin playing
After painting your army, you’ll need opponents to play against. Set up your first combat with a friend who is a player. You can work together to refine your comprehension of the rules, but soon you’ll want new challenges. Find out if the people at your neighborhood games store host game evenings or are aware of any local wargaming groups. Register yourself and proceed. The majority of people are happy to assist with painting advice or game techniques, and they will happily greet newcomers. They’re also a fantastic method to socialize and meet new people.
Above all, enjoy yourself while playing games!
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